Unit 2c - Synchronization


Communicating Through Shared Data

The Importance of Mutual Exclusion


Notice: ​ It does work if we say uthread_init(1) ​ But it does not work with uthread_init(2) or higher

Mutual Exclusion Using Locks


Implementing Simple Locks

Atomic Memory Exchange Instruction

atomic exchanger[v] ← m[r[a]]
m[r[a]] ← r[v]
xchg (ra), rv


Implementing Atomic Exchange

Blocking Locks

Blocking vs Busy Waiting

Video Playback System Example

Monitors and Condition Variables

UThreads Mutex and Condition


Video Playback


Using Conditions

Video Playback (Pause on Empty)

Drinking Beer Example

Signal and Monitor Race

Extending the Example

Using Condition Variables for Disk REad

Why Must Mutex be held when Calling Wait?


Wait-Signal Race

Wait-Signal Race … Again

You Have to Signal Every Time

Reader-Writer Monitors


UThread Semaphores


Using Semaphores to Drink Beer


Using Semaphores to Implement Monitors

Hiding Asynchrony


Ordering Two Threads

One Thread Waits for Many Threads

Synchronization in Java

Java AtomicReference<V> Class

Lock-Free Atomic Stack in Java



Problems with Concurrency

Mutexes and Recursion


Systems with Multiple Mutexes

Waiter Graph Can Show Deadlocks

Synchronization Summary


Monitors and Condition Variables


Problems, problems, problems