Chapter 11 – Product, Branding, and Packaging Decisions
Types of Products
Marketers consider types of products they are designing/selling because they affect: promotion, price, and distribution
Two primary categories of products and services that reflect who buys them: consumers or businesses
consumer product: products or services used by people for their personal use
Specialty Products / Services
specialty products / services: products or services toward which the consumer show a strong preference and for which he or she will expend considerable effort to search for the best suppliers
CLASS CLARIFICATION: consumers know the exact model/brand & they're looking for the best.
Shopping Products / Services
shopping products / services: those for which consumers will spend time comparing alternatives, such as apparel, fragrances, and appliances
e.g., trying on shoes, comparing alternatives
Convenience Products / Services
convenience products / services: those for which the consumer is not willing to spend any effort to evaluate prior to purchase
e.g., beverages, bread, soap
Unsought Products / Services
unsought products / services: products or services consumers either do not normally think of buying or do not know about
Because of very nature, requires a lot of marketing effort and various forms of promotion